Saturday, June 23

Nuffnang Premiere Screening of The Amazing Spider-Man

 If you were given a chance, what animal/living being superpowers would you want to get?
Erm.. I would get Harry Potter of course.. He is my superhero.. I know magic does not exists in this world.. Same goes to superheros like Batman, Superman, Ultra-man, etc and including Spider-Man.. 
All of this superhero including Harry Potter are creation/ imagination from a real human.. 
Of course without this all creation our world won't be happy go lucky, if not we will just stuck with the country history, culture and so on.. It is so bored.. 
Now in the era 2012, technology become more advance and advance.. 
Last time when I was a kid, I was playing a "masak-masak" (cooking game) or watching cartoon at television.. Now, those kid are exposed more on entertainment or telecommunication devices such as I-phone, I-pad, PSP and so on.. Besides that, few years back, no kids will get his/her own hand phone until they finish primary school.. But now, kids getting their own new brand phone in the age of 7 or 8.. Kids now days are more and more advance than us.. 
Before I run out of the topic, Harry Potter can do any magic he can to protect the country.. He also can stop the incident happen before it going to happen.. 
Yes, magic can do anything but he can't also misuse of his magic skills like Voldemort.. 
Another characteristic I like from Harry Potter is he is so brave to do something.. He dare to accept new challenge and try his best to solve the challenge.. 
He will never give up on what his doing/ what he got mission to do.. 
These are the few pictures of him.. :))
Cool Harry Potter

This is the different when he was young and now he was a teenager going to adult soon.. 
So cute of him.. ^^
Kind of jealous of him (JOKING :PP), so young can act so well, he sure have a bright future in acting!!! 

This is his handsome picture when he grow up already!!!

Weird right I am writing this post?? Check out this Spider-Man Contest
It is actually a contest to win ONE(1) Pair of Nuffnang Premiere Screening of the Amazing Spider-Man movie tickets and if you are the one of the TEN (10) super bloggers you can win Spider-Man goodies.. 
Rules and regulations stated there.. 
What you waiting for?? 
Go and join now.. ^@^

The Amazing Spider-Man

Here is the trailer.. :DD

Wednesday, June 20

bla bla bla..

first of all, I am kind of lazy update my blog although I have internet 24/7 now!!
between I have change again my template.. simple and nice.. ^^
so many stories want to share.. but not now!!!
now need to rush for homework, assignment, and mid-term!!!
this is so call last minute work!! GBM.. :))