Tuesday, May 12

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment.

The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, and quickly fall on floors or surfaces.

You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within close proximity of someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose or mouth.

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.

Most common symptoms:
  • fever
  • dry cough
  • tiredness
Less common symptoms:
  • aches and pains
  • sore throat
  • diarrhea
  • conjunctivitis
  • headache
  • loss of taste or smell
  • a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes

Serious symptoms:
  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • chest pain or pressure
  • loss of speech or movement
Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility.

People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home.
On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19:
  • Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Stay home if you feel unwell.
If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance.

Follow the directions of your local health authority.
Avoiding unneeded visits to medical facilities allows healthcare systems to operate more effectively, therefore protecting you and others.

Self care
If you feel sick you should rest, drink plenty of fluid, and eat nutritious food. Stay in a separate room from other family members, and use a dedicated bathroom if possible. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
Everyone should keep a healthy lifestyle at home. Maintain a healthy diet, sleep, stay active, and make social contact with loved ones through the phone or internet. Children need extra love and attention from adults during difficult times. Keep to regular routines and schedules as much as possible.
It is normal to feel sad, stressed, or confused during a crisis. Talking to people you trust, such as friends and family, can help. If you feel overwhelmed, talk to a health worker or counselor.

Medical treatments
If you have mild symptoms and are otherwise healthy, self-isolate and contact your medical provider or a COVID-19 information line for advice.
Seek medical care if you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing. Call in advance.

I have heard this virus since December 2019 when I was still at Shenzhen, China. 
Yes, I was at China when the virus HAVE NOT BEEN SERIOUS YET. 
At that time, when we heard the news, we are in the mid of organizing a tennis tournament. 
The tournament already on-going, the players, officials, staff, volunteers all are on duty. 
So we continue as normal, as nothing is happen. Until the tournament ends. 
The tournaments was end successful and we have a happy ending. 
Usually in this tournament we will celebrate Christmas & New Year together. 
Some of us have been working on this tournament 2 month, 1 month, 3 weeks, 2 weeks. 

After the tournament, I have plan with my friends. Visit other province of China for few days before I head back to Malaysia. Again, the pandemic is still under control, we still goes on as normal life. 
After the short trip, me and another friend (from Malaysia also), we went back to Malaysia. 
Back to Malaysia, the news about COVID-19 is more and more well known. 

Nearing to Chinese New Year, COVID-19 become serious. First cluster/case happen at Wuhan, China. As the virus spread too fast, the whole province is going through lockdown. No one is able to entry/exit the city. At this time Malaysia have not taken any action, people can still entry/exit from Malaysia no matter from air, land, sea. 

Let's cut short, as day by day goes by, this virus have affected not only China, not only Malaysia but the whole world. As of 11th May 2020 08:00 AM the virus have 4,013,728 confirmed cases ; 278,993 confirmed deaths ; 215 countries, areas or territories with cases (database from WHO). 

The virus have affected the whole world. People not able to go back to normal life, people are losing job as companies start to sacks their employees, deduct salary; we can't hang out with friends; no mass gathering is allowed; and many more. The virus have change our daily life. We need to be more caution, always wash our hand, practicing social distance and more. Keep on checking from WHO / KKM / Malaysiakini website to get the latest update (there is many other website source can be found, these are few of it)

Below are just a post reminder, in future we will remember that this virus make a huge different to us. 
24 FEB - TDM letak jawatan PM7
24 FEB - Kabinet Kerajaan PH terbubar
01 MAC - TSMY dilantik PM8
09 MAC - Kabinet Kerajaan PN ditubuhkan
18 MAC - 31 MAC 2020 PKP Fasa 1 BERMULANYA kerja dari rumah
01 APR - 14 APR 2020 PKP Fasa 2
15 APR - 28 APR 2020 PKP Fasa 3
29 APR - 12 MEI 2020 PKP Fasa 4
13 MEI - 9 JUN 2020 PKPB Fasa 5
4 MEI - PKPB bermula
24 APR - Ramadhan tiba tanpa solat di Masjid dan surau dibenarkan.. Wujud lah status imam terawikh interim di kalangan ketua keluarga. Bazar Ramadhan dibatalkan semua penjualan dan pembelian juadah berbuka dibuat secara online atas penghantaran oleh grab food runner secara COD 9pm.. Berderet la peniaga dalam facebook muncul mempromosikan produk masing-masing.
29 APR - kebenaran keluar berdua dan jarak keluar melebihi 10km uuntuk membeli keperluan harian. Kebenaran beberapa sektor industri dibuka untuk beroperasi. Penghantaran pulang pelajar universti awam dibenarkan mengikuti zon hijau.

Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan seluruh 🇲🇾

📍 harga minyak jatuh sehingga RM1.25/liter

📍Semua pejabat di seluruh Malaysia diarah tutup sepanjang Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dan kerja - kerja dilaksanakan sepenuhnya dari rumah.

📍Semua sekolah dan pendidikan dilaksanakan di atas talian.

📍Penjarakkan sosial sentiasa diutamakan

📍Pita pelekat dilekatkan di atas lantai - lantai kedai untuk menentukan jarak selamat 1 meter di antara pelanggan

📍 Restoran dan kedai - kedai makan ditutup, hanya dibenarkan bungkus sahaja.

📍Hanya beberapa orang sahaja dibenarkan berada di dalam kedai.

📍Kedai bukan keperluan asas dan perniagaan tidak berkaitan pembekalan makanan diarah tutup.

📍Keseluruhan acara dan musim sukan di seluruh dunia dibatalkan serta merta

📍 Konsert, perlancongan, festival, acara hiburan dibatalkan.

📍Majlis perkahwinan dan pelbagai sambutan majlis bersama keluarga dibatalkan.

📍Solat jemaah di Masjid dihadkan kepada pegawai masjid & AJK sahaja dan rumah - rumah ibadat lain ditutup.

📍Tidak dibenarkan perkumpulan 50 orang atau lebih, kemudian diubah kepada 20 orang atau lebih, hanya dibenarkan 10 orang atau kurang dari itu dibenarkan.

📍Taman permainan kanak - kanak ditutup.

📍Kekurangan stok penutup muka, gaun, dan sarung tangan untuk kegunaan pekerja barisan hadapan.

📍Kekurangan alat bantuan pernafasan bagi pesakit kritikal.

📍Berlakunya pembelian panik sehingga kekurangan alat pembasmian, tiada sabun cuci tangan, tiada cecair pembersih tangan

📍Rak - rak di kedai menjadi kosong.

📍Kilang - kilang pembuatan, kilang penyulingan dan perniagaan lain telah menukar perkhidmatan mereka dengan membantu menyediakan visors, penutup muka, cecair pencuci tangan dan PPE.

📍Kerajaan telah melaksanakan sekatan jalan di setiap kawasan dan tertutup kepada pergerakan yang tidak penting.

📍Tiket kapal terbang murah, namun kita tidak boleh keluar melancong.

📍Sidang media dari Kementerian Kesihatan di keudarakan setiap hari. Kalau dulu sempena pengumuman raya dan puasa, warna baju jadi tekaan kali ini Warna Tali Leher Ketua Pengarah Kementerian Kesihatan pulak menjadi agakan harian

📍Kemaskini kes baru, yang telah sembuh dan pesakit yang meninggal dunia dilakukan setiap hari.

📍 Jalan raya menjadi kosong tanpa kelibat manusia.

📍Ramai orang memakai penutup muka dan sarung tangan apabila keluar.

📍 Pekerja perkhidmatan penting menjadi takut untuk keluar rumah.

📍Pekerja kesihatan pula, menjadi takut untuk pulang ke rumah dan berjumpa keluarga.

📍 "Mendatarkan lengkung graf" itulah yang sering dikatakan, bersama dengan kata-kata " Kita lakukan ini bersama" dan "Kita harus menang"

Ini adalah Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) suatu penyakit pandemik, yang diwartakan pada 18 mac 2020 😭😭😭😭

Kenapa saya copy paste status ini?

Kerana, satu hari nanti, status ini akan muncul di paparan ingatan saya, supaya menghargai nyawa ini dan orang - orang yang kita sayang. 🤗🤗🤗

Nikmat mana lagi yang telah kita dustai?
Bersyukurlah. Dan sentiasa berterima kasih
Lakukan kebaikan antara satu sama lain - sayangi antara satu sama lain - dan sentiasa menyokong antara satu sama lain

Kita semua adalah satu ! ❤️🇲🇾❤️🇲🇾❤️


Sunday, May 10

Mother's Day

10th May 2020
Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. 

At this day is also Nuzul Al-Quran Day. Nuzul Al-Quran is Muhammad's first revelation was an event described in Islam as taking place in 610 AC, during which the Islamic prophet, Muhammad was visited by the angel Jibrīl, known as Gabriel in English, who revealed to him the beginnings of what would later become the Qur’an <source from Wikipedia>

Also, Prime Minister taking this chance to have next announcement weather Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) will be extend or lifted. On 29 April - 12 May is Movement Control Order (MCO) Phase 4. But government start implementing CMCO, which came into effect on 4th May, has been gazetted, meaning that all regulations under the previous Movement Control Order (MCO) are now null and void. As expected the announcement made by Prime Minister, CMCO will be EXTENDED for another 4 week (until 9th June 2020). Which means Hari Raya celebrations will be at respective home. No house visiting & going back to respective hometown is not allowed. 

This year Mother's Day falls on Sunday, just nice for a family gathering. 
But due to pandemic situation, again we have simple meal at home only. 
Once again, have discussion with sister what is the plan. Conversation as below:

Me: any plans?
Sis: don't have.
Me: craving for MCD fried chicken. 
Sis: I am doing reset on coming Monday (meaning she is eating healthy food with her supplement). 
So let's order all unhealthy food.
Me: up to you. I am ok as long I get my MCD fried chicken. What else you wanna order? 
Sis: order Pizza & KFC loh.
Me: I order MCD de, then pass my phone to sis to order Pizza (we choose Domino Pizza).
Sis: (clicking phone and order pizza)

I let my brother to order KFC since my sister order Pizza, I order MCD. 
After few moments later MCD arrived, follow by KFC. Only left Domino haven arrive. 
Waited for almost 2 hours still haven get notifications that rider will pick up the order. I felt weird and check my grab apps. Once I open, there is no pending order. Said my food already delivered. 
I was like, since when? I went out to my house and check maybe the rider left the food and leave. But that's not the case. 

I start calling Domino Pizza (unreachable most of the time).
I make report to Grab.
I make complaint to Domino Pizza.
End up I just went to restaurant to check out what happen. 
Out of surprise, the restaurant is overload with operations. Not enough staff. 
The counter lady ask for my mobile number for checking. She said my order still in the que. 
Haven made the pizza yet. She said they will deliver the pizza. 
Then I said if you guys deliver at 12am midnight then I have my pizza at that time? 
Then she said they will deliver before 10pm. I was so speechless and went back home. 
I told my mom the whole story, we both laugh.
So while waiting for the pizza, we had MCD & KFC. 
We were enjoying the dinner, then around 9.58pm heard like there is someone outside. 
I just remember, Domino Pizza. It's here! 
I order at 5.30pm, the maximum delay I assume for food delivery is about 1-2 hours. 
But this more than 5 hours. First time face this issue. 
By the pizza arrive, all of us already full. End up the pizza was kept in fridge and have it only on the next day. 

I just angry on their management. It's between Grab & Vendor. 
The restaurant told me is their HQ accepting the order, they can't control. 
I order from Grab Food, Domino Pizza accept my order. 
The weird part is my order already accepted, money being deducted & mention food is being delivered. 
Felt like being cheated! This make me so angry & disappointing. 
Anyway is Mother's Day. Let's not have this unsatisfactory and regrettable experience affect me and everyone. 

Tuesday, May 5

Mom's Birthday Celebration

5th May 2020
It's mom's birthday. 
Due to the pandemic situation, and we are in the situation partial lock-down period, we couldn't go out to celebrate, therefore we plan to have simple celebration at home. 

I ask my sister, what's our plan? I said let's order food delivery. Conversations goes:

Me: what kind of food preferred? 
Sis: anything?
Me: Korean food?
Sis: will it be nice? 
Me: of course it won't be as nice as dine in the restaurant
Sis: how about Steamboat?
Me: can also.
Sis: you order lah, I will go and get the cake (she is going out)

Me start to search for Steamboat restaurant. I always go with the want I am familiar with; Chen Chen Ho Steamboat. 

Manage to get in touch via Facebook, and start WhatApps them. I ask from Bukit Tinggi 1 restaurant first. I plan to get fried crab and steamboat enough for 4 pax. The first few messages is auto messages. Giving the food menu, value meal menu, and showing some pictures of the menu. Then the first thing I ask is do they still have crab? They said crab at their restaurant already finish, ask me to Bukit Tinggi 2 branch, provide me their number. 

Approach Bukit Tinggi 2 branch, they do have crab but left 1 last piece. They ask me do I want to add other type of crab as 4 pax share 1 piece of crab is too little. I said it's ok; just simple celebration and we still have steamboat. So I order steamboat for 4-5 pax and a plate of kam heong fried crab. Below are the message they send:















ChenChenho Steamboat Delivery/ Take away Service  is available

We prepare the pot and enjoy our meal. After the meal we cut cake and take pictures as memories. Below are the pictures that we took: 

You are always there for me when I need it. No one loves me more. 
No one understands me better. No one inspires me the way you do. 
Happy Birthday to the women who gave me life then taught me how to live it. 
Stay healthy, stay wealthy, stay beautiful always. Love you always. 🥰❤️🌈🎂🎯🎊✨